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How We Help

UK property investment, high yield property investment, social housing investment

We provide social housing investment opportunities to increase the quantity of high-quality social housing properties in the UK and provide a secure income for our investors.

By combining our in-depth knowledge of the social housing sector, property development experience and partnerships with housing associations to conscious investors, we believe that the companies can source assets that would benefit vulnerable people currently on the social housing waiting list whilst providing strong interest and capital repayments to investors.

We do this by working closely with housing associations which allows us to identify locations within the UK where social housing demand is high, but property prices are low. This creates an opportunity to purchase and develop a high-yield rental portfolio that effectively generates high-income and profitable exits, whilst constantly supplying more quality accommodation for vulnerable tenants.

By focusing on locations with lower average property prices, we intend to help investors develop a portfolio of assets that will generate high rental yields.

What is social housing?

Social housing refers to affordable housing provided by the UK government for individuals and families who require assistance. It is intended to provide accommodation for vulnerable individuals who cannot afford to purchase or rent a typical property.

The purpose of social housing is to ensure that all households in the UK have access to suitable accommodation. It is an alternative to the private rental sector, offering lower rental rates, longer lease terms, and a stable living environment. Social housing is typically organised and managed by local councils, housing associations, registered charities, and social care operators. Tenants of social housing report directly to and pay rent to these organisations, effectively treating them as landlords.

At Yield Investing, our aim is to increase the quantity of high-quality social housing properties provided to registered housing association partners to help the 1.1 million people on the waiting list for affordable housing in the UK.

Who is social housing for?

social housing investment, social housing property investment opportunities, vulnerable tenant types, who is social housing for

Social housing in the UK plays a crucial role in supporting vulnerable tenants and addressing their housing needs. Investing in social housing aligns with the growing focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations. With many of our investors increasingly interested in projects that have a positive impact on society and meet the sustainability criteria.

social housing investment, social housing property investment opportunities, vulnerable tenant types, who is social housing for

Vulnerable Tenant Types

In the UK there is a huge undersupply of quality housing for the homeless, these are people who are sleeping rough, living in short stay nightly accommodation or within unsuitable properties that have no long-term availability. Through developing properties alongside our housing provider partners, we are able to deliver fully renovated high quality accommodation that provides a more long term home for people in need with weekly support from care providers assisting their transfer into a more suitable living space.
Victims of domestic abuse unfortunately find themselves having to live with an abusive partner as they have no other suitable accommodation options. We are able to help them move away from this dangerous situation by developing properties that are ready to move into and fully furnished for a quick transition, giving them access to a new home and away from further abuse with support staff on hand if required.
So far in 2022-2023, there has been over 75,000 new asylum seeker applications from people looking to relocate to the UK. Our housing association partners are constantly dealing with new referrals and are always in need of more properties to help struggling people. The Companies’ can effectively deliver these properties by working with the housing providers to supply properties and keep up with their constant demand.
People with a physical disability often struggle to find a home that suits their requirements without the help of social housing providers. These properties often need to be adapted to suit the individual person’s needs to make their lives easier. We would develop the properties to include assisted living technologies such as wheelchair access, voice activated appliances, bed lifts etc.
Drug and alcohol abuse victims often struggle to find a suitable home once they have finished their rehabilitation and are transitioning back into society. This struggle can often lead to relapse and the vicious cycle starts again. Through working closely with our housing provider partners, we are able to provide fully finished properties in beneficial locations to the victims to reduce their chance of relapse. Also the weekly support from the housing provider goes along way with assisting people get back on their feet through helping them find jobs, hobbies and new friends.

Social Housing Property Investment: How It Works

Social housing in the UK plays a crucial role in supporting vulnerable tenants and addressing their housing needs.

Investing in social housing aligns with the growing focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations. With many of our investors increasingly interested in projects that have a positive impact on society and meet the sustainability criteria.

Completed property developments

Our properties are carefully selected from completed developments, eliminating the risks and uncertainties associated with ongoing construction projects.

Secured rental yields

Our properties offer attractive yields of 8-10% NET sourced through the housing association. They also track CPI, so investors have a safe and stable hedge against inflation.

FRI lease (full repairs and insurance)

With our FRI lease, investors are relieved from the burden of property maintenance and repairs. All repairs and insurance matters are handled by the tenant (housing association), further streamlining the investment process.

Long-term commercial tenants

We secure long-term leases with commercial tenants, such as housing associations, which ensure a stable and consistent rental income for our investors. The leases will vary between 5-25 years.

Tenant damage and maintenance cover

Our properties come with tenant damage and maintenance cover, protecting investors from unexpected expenses related to property damage.

Recently refurbished properties

We ensure that our properties meet the highest standards of quality as Is required by the regulation with the housing association lease agreements.

Free property and lettings management

All aspects of managing the property, including tenant placement, rent collection, and property maintenance are taken care off ensuring a hassle-free experience for our investors.

No ground rent or service charges

Our investment properties are free from ground rent or service charges, allowing investors to maximize their rental income without additional costs.

Investment Opportunities

There is a strong investment case created when developing properties for the sole purpose of social housing. The FRI (full repairing and insuring) lease provides the Companies’ with rent assurances, damage/maintenance covered by the housing association, utility costs and council tax covered and all day-to-day operations covered by the housing association. This ensures a lower rent leakage than other residential sectors, which reduces in lower overhead costs for the Companies’.

This means that cash flow is less effected by market conditions, tenant fluctuations/missed rent payments or expensive maintenance costs, meaning we have a more stable income facilitating interest payments to investors. With inflation in the UK at a current high, we are able to forecast a growth in income year by year further benefiting the Companies’.

Long FRI leases with CPI linked rents provided by housing associations are seen as highly secure income investments with large institutional investors. It is often the case that large investors will purchase a substantial portfolio of social housing properties in order to de- risk their portfolio through secured high income and yield, whilst also combatting inflation. Therefore, we see a strong exit opportunity by aggregating social housing assets to hit their minimum investment sizes, operating them with our partners for 2-4 years before selling to realise profits and making capital repayments to investors.

Please see below a table illustration for distribution of social housing funding:

Central Government

Gross rent paid to the local authority

Local Authority

Local authority passes rent onto housing provider

operator Housing Provider

Housing provider keeps a portion of the total rent to operate the property.
Housing provider pays the property owner the full lease rent

Property Owner

Who should invest in social housing?

Male Property Investor

Investors seeking hands-free solutions

Yield Investing's social housing properties provide a hands-free investment option, making it an excellent fit for individuals who wish to earn passive income without the day-to-day responsibilities of property management. The full repairs and insurance (FRI) lease, along with free property and lettings management services, relieve investors from the burdens of property maintenance and tenant- related issues.

Investment Growth

Income-oriented investors

These properties are particularly appealing to investors who prioritize generating a consistent stream of passive income. The properties provide a secure and attractive return on investment, making it an ideal option for those seeking regular cash flow.

Man evaluating finances

Long-term investors

If you have a long-term investment strategy and are looking for stable and reliable rental income, social housing investment properties can be a suitable choice. With leases typically ranging from 5 to 25 years, investors benefit from a predictable income stream over an extended period.

Reviewing financial performance

Risk-averse investors

The nature of these properties offers a reduced level of risk compared to other real estate investments. The presence of a long- term commercial tenant, such as a housing association, ensures a reliable rental income, minimizing the potential risks associated with tenant turnover or property vacancies.

Man evaluating property

Ethically conscious investors

If you value investments that contribute positively to society, social housing properties align with your ethical considerations. By investing in housing for vulnerable adults, you support the well-being and stability of marginalized communities, making a meaningful social impact.

Our Developments

How We Help
How We Help
How We Help
Frank Yield Investing
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