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What is Supported Living?: A Guide for Investors

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Are you considering investing in the property market but want to make a meaningful impact while enjoying attractive returns? If you’re an overseas investor, choosing to invest in supported living properties in the UK might be the perfect opportunity. Yield Investing is your gateway to high-yielding property investments in the social housing sector.

What is supported living?

Supported living enables individuals to live as independently as possible in a home they can call their own. It provides the necessary support to help people manage their lives and tenancies, offering them freedom and control over their own lives.

The primary goal of supported living is to allow individuals to choose where they live, who they live with, and how they receive support. It offers individual tenancies, meaning each person has their own home and can benefit from tailored support.

The demand for supported living is on the rise because, similar to social housing, it can be more cost-effective than privately renting or owning a home and includes the support some individuals need to live independently. 

Who does supported living help?

Supported living is there to provide support to people who would typically only be able to live in a residential property or care homes. It supports individuals and provides accommodation for a range of people with a range of different needs that include:

  • The elderly
  • People with disabilities
  • Adults with learning disabilities
  • People with mental health-related issues
  • Vulnerable people
  • People who have experienced homelessness
  • Those with substance misuse issues 

What is included in a supported living service? 

Supported living services are tailored to meet each person’s individual needs, with the level of support varying from occasional visits to daily assistance. The services provided can include:

  • Personal Care: Assistance with health and well-being, washing, preparing meals, and managing medication.
  • Running a Home: Help with maintaining a tenancy agreement, budgeting, and paying bills.
  • Healthy Living: Support in making healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Household Tasks: Aid with cleaning, laundry, and cooking.
  • Building Community Links: Encouragement to develop friendships, maintain personal relationships, and stay in contact with family and friends.
  • Leisure Activities: Opportunities for socialising and going on holiday.
  • Education and Employment: Guidance in identifying opportunities, applying for college or jobs, and arranging training.

What kind of supported living accommodation is available?

Supported living accommodation comes in various forms to meet individuals’ complex needs. Care can be provided to people living in their homes who need assistance with daily tasks due to a medical issue or life change.

Residents may live in individual flats or share a house with two or three other adults with similar support needs. In these settings, support workers visit daily to ensure residents receive the necessary support.

The care and support provided are personalised to meet the specific needs of each individual, focusing on maintaining or increasing independence. Visiting support workers assist residents in living the way they want and accessing necessary services and social activities.

What is the difference between supported living and residential care?

Supported living allows individuals to live independently in their own homes or shared accommodations while receiving tailored support services.

Residential care involves living in a facility with 24-hour staff supervision and assistance with daily activities. Supported living encourages greater independence and autonomy, while residential care provides a more structured and supervised living environment. The level of care and support provided in supported living is typically less intensive than in residential care settings.

How is supported living funded? 

People in supported living have their own tenancy agreements and are responsible for their bills and cost of living. However, they are typically placed in social housing, which means they receive some financial support from the UK government. Separate agreements cover the personal care and accommodation components of supported living. To help cover costs, people may be entitled to a range of benefits, such as:

  • Housing Benefit part of Universal Credit
  • Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Attendance Allowance

The cost of some or all of an individual’s care and support may be available through the local authority or, in some cases, NHS funding.

Investing in Supported Living FAQs

What is the typical return on investment for supported living properties? 

If you are considering investing in supported living in the UK, the return on investment can vary, but these properties often offer attractive returns due to higher rental income with 8%+ NET yields. The exact ROI depends on factors like the location of the property, the quality of care services, and the demand in the area. 

How can I ensure the safety and well-being of residents in supported living properties?

Only registered housing and home care providers can offer these services, and it is essential to ensure they are reputable and comply with safety and rent regulations for social care organised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Regular inspections and clear communication with residents will secure their safety and well-being. Always do your due diligence when selecting a housing provider.

How can I find suitable properties for supported living investments?

Consult with real estate professionals like us at Yield Investing, who have expertise in the supported living sector. Networking with housing providers and exploring property listings is a great way to identify suitable properties for investment.

What are the legal requirements for setting up a supported living property?

The legal requirements for setting up a supported living property vary depending on location and the specific needs of the residents you plan to serve. We advise you to consult with legal experts and relevant authorities to ensure compliance with all regulations and standards. 

Choose Supported Living Investments with Yield Investing 

Invest in supported living properties through Yield Investing for promising financial returns and ethical investments that positively impact communities. Supported living provides safe, supportive environments for vulnerable individuals while offering investors attractive opportunities.

At Yield Investing, we guide you through hands-free, high-yield property investments in the supported living and social housing sector, whether you’re an experienced investor or new to the market. With our proven expertise and resources, we help maximise this exciting opportunity.

Investing in supported living creates a positive societal impact beyond just financial gain. Explore your options, seek professional advice, and consider the tremendous potential of these UK investments with Yield Investing. Contact us today for more information on making a difference in vulnerable individuals’ lives while securing your financial future.

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